
What is Dandruff?

Dandruff is excessive exfoliation of the skin of the scalp. Dandruff isn’t contagious and is rarely serious. It can be controlled by hygienic measures, internal and external medication. The shedding of skin cells is a natural process, but in dandruff, this process is accelerated, leading to the visible flakes. While dandruff is not usually a serious medical concern, it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Fortunately, it can often be managed effectively with medicated shampoos and with effective homeopathic consultation or treatment.

What Causes Dandruff in Male and Female?

Is Homeopathic effective in a treatment of Dandruff in Male and Female?

Why Choose Treatment from Dr. Teena Homeopathic Clinic, Indore!

We provide a Permanent Solution for Dandruff and related hair fall problems by analyzing your body condition and deciding which medicines suit you the best. After knowing the root cause, dandruff can be controlled with the help of our effective customized homeopathic medicines, Oils, Shampoo, and Hair pack for hair fall. In most of the cases result occurs positively within 3- 4 months.
We have cured many patients within a few months after addressing the root cause of the problem. We will assess your individual symptoms and prescribe the most appropriate remedy based on your specific case.
For effective results and guidance, contact us today or reach us at our clinic.